即使般配恩爱如Katoby也有走到爱情尽头的那一天所以没有什么会永垂不朽我们能做的也只是接受并相信Phillip会在未来等你多年以后已经完全和Beth共情做Pearson的家属真不容易天机变1是burden也是blessing这一家子看起来温情治愈再仔细一看有时候只能用矫情来形容最后被William的那句关于祖父母的话击中了To love someone so unconditionally when you know time probably won‘t allow you to be a big part of their story.
世界这么美不该一直生气It’s hard to stay mad when there is so much beauty in the world. …Then I can’t feel anything but gratitude for every single moment for my stupid little life.